
The aim of the Nutritional HQ website is to provide in-depth information about all things that are nutritionally related.

The site is split into two major parts, these can easily be accessed from the sites navigation menus.

The first section is available from the top navigation bar and gives detailed guides on the major nutrient groups such as minerals, fats and vitamins. Each category is broken down into major components, and for each of these, information on foods that can be included in ones diet to gain the said nutrient is given.

For example the major category Minerals, includes a section on Calcium, and that section is further sub-divided to include advice on Calcium rich foods and a Calcium rich foods list.

The second section of the Nutritional HQ website is blog based. Every weekday common nutritional issues and health related questions will be addressed. The blog can best be navigated from the side menu.

Hope that you enjoy the site,
